
Hey there. Week 2 of quarantine is in the books. I think Izzy is starting to get spoiled by this and pushing her limits a little bit. Either that, or she’s just getting older and getting more of an attitude. Could be either. She’s learned a lot in the last Read more…


We are on what I’d call week 2 of the coronavirus shut down. Last week we kept Izzy home from daycare because Anna was on spring break. She learned so much in just a week. She’s singing her ABC’s, counting to 10 in English and Spanish, doing new puzzles, drawing Read more…


We were supposed to go to San Fransisco on Friday, but that trip got cancelled. There’s this little thing called coronavirus going around that’s cancelling everything. Thankfully, it doesn’t effect little kids, so Izzy should be fine. It’s really bad for the elderly, so hopefully this thing can get wrangled Read more…


Today is leap day. I got to spend an extra day with Izzy. And Anna went to Cincinnati last night to visit her friend, so I was all alone with Izzy all day today. We started the morning eating blueberries, eggs, and applesauce. Then we went to the Y, where Read more…